Saturday, October 06, 2012

AC's List of Movies for 2012

1) Zombie (1979) ***1/2
2) Severance (2006) ***1/2
3) Lake Mungo (2008) ****1/2
4) Aaah! Zombies! (2007) ***1/4
5) Pontypool (2008) by AC ****
6) Rambock: Berlin Undead (2011) ****
7) Drag Me to Hell (2009) ***1/2
8) The Innkeepers (2011) ****
9) Land of the Dead (2005) ****
10) Session 9 (2001) ****
11) Diabolique (1955) ****1/2
12) Don't Look Now (1973) ***1/2
13) Dead and Buried (1981) ***1/2
14) Santa Sangre (1989) ****1/2
15) Jacob's Ladder (1990) ****1/2

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